November 7, 2007

Love on another, my people

by O.Dashbalbar

Love one another, my people, while you are alive.
Don’t keep from others whatever you find beautiful.
Don’t wound my heart with heedless barbs, and
Don’t push anyone into a dark hole.

Don’t mock someone who’s gotten drunk,
Think how it could even be your father.
And, if you manage to become famous,
Open the door of happiness to others!
They should also not forget your kindness.
To someone who is lacking a single word of kindness,
You should search for it and speak it out.
Whether outside in the sun or at home when it’s cold,
Don’t spend one moment at rest.

Don’t use harsh words to complain, you women,
About the kind young man you remember.
Speak lovingly to those who loved you!
Let them remember you as a good lover.

Our lives are really similar,
Our words constrict our throats the same way,
Our tears drop onto our cheeks the same way –
Things are much the same as we go along the road.
Wipe away a halt woman’s tears without a word,
Talk your lover up when she’s tripped and fallen!

Today you’re smiling, tomorrow you’ll be crying.
Another day you’re sad, and the next you’ll be singing.
We all pass from the cradle to the grave -
If for no other reason, love one another!
People must not lack love on this wide earth!
I grasp happiness with the fire of my human mind,
The golden shines lovingly upon us all the same, and
So I think that loving others is the path of life,
I understand that to be loved by others is great joy.

Translated by Simon Wickham-Smith

2 Сэтгэгдэл:

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Гоё шүлэг шүү! энэ орчуулсан хувилбар хэрэгтэй байсан юм, :D

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